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Exception Handling Warnings in Visual Studio

Have you ever seen this cryptic little C++ compiler warning before in Visual Studio 7.x (.NET 2003)?

cl: Command line warning D4025: overriding '/EHs' with '/EHa'

I've seen it a number of times but always ignored it because other articles have said that "the compiler knows better." Well, the compiler might know better but I want to know why it knows better. So let's dissect this warning.

In Visual Studio, you can specify the Exception Handling model in the Code Generation property page of a C++ project. What you are selecting is whether or not the compiler uses an asynchronous exception model or a synchronous exception model. The asynchronous model is an older exception handling mechanism where the compiler assumes any instruction can generate an exception (hardware). This significantly increases the overall code size because the compiler must have mechanics for tracking the lifetime of objects that cannot unwind. The synchronous model is new and tells the compiler that exceptions can only be thrown with a throw statement. Because the compiler can now assume that exceptions will only be thrown by a throw statement or at a function call, all that extra object lifetime tracking code is not supplied by the compiler. The MSDN states that hardware exceptions can still be caught using the synchronous model, "... However, some of the unwindable objects in the function where the exception occurs may not get unwound, if the compiler judges their lifetime tracking mechanics to be unnecessary for the synchronous model."

So how in the world did you get the aforementioned compiler warning in the first place? There are a couple of things to look for.

Note: Structured exception translators (for the uninitiated) are used so that C exceptions (raised always as of type unsigned int as opposed to C++ exceptions which can be raised of any type) can be handled by a C exception wrapper class and therefore attributed a type. This allows a matching C++ catch handler to catch a C exception. If you have C code mixed in your C++ project that uses structured exception translators, you will have to use the asynchronous exception model or the compiler will throw the above warning.

In VS 7.x, it has been documented that the inability to select the asynchronous exception model ('/EHa') in the project properties dialog was a bug. To get around this in 7.x, you need to select "No" for the "Enable C++ Exceptions" property. Then go to the "Command Line" property and add "/EHa" in the "Additional options" section. This will allow you to enable C++ exceptions in your projects. Here's a screenshot of the VS 2003 .NET C++ Code Generation properties dialog. This bug was fixed in version 8 and you can now select "Yes" to the "Enable C++ Exceptions" property with a value of "Yes With SEH Exceptions (/EHa)." Here's a screenshot of the updated dialog.

For my particular project, I had some C code that used structured exception translators. So that was the reason for my warning. Therefore, I disabled the option above, and added "/EHa" as an additional command line property option. In general, enabling C++ exceptions in your VS projects should always be considered thoroughly (required in my opinion) and you should never disregard warnings like this one (as I did). For this particular case, the compiler was smart enough to fix the setting at build time, but that is not always the case. Know and understand your project settings and fix all warnings if possible. Until next time...

- Gilemonster


posted by Gilemonster @ 11:08 PM,


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