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Quick Observation on STL string Comparisons

I was looking through some code this week and I noticed a few lines of code that caught my eye. The lines of code were doing basic STL string comparison using the non-member overloaded operator== function. I remembered that the STL also provides an overloaded set of compare functions for strings and wondered why you would use the overloaded operator functions instead of compare. I did a bit of reading and found that there are reasons for using one over the other.

The easiest of the comparison mechanisms is obviously to use operator==. You can use it to compare string objects, string literals that are quoted, and traditional C-style string pointers. The nice thing is that it (and other operator routines) doesn't have to create temporary string objects. Here's a simple example:

#include <string>
using namespace std;

std::wstring strFirstName = L"Billy";

if (L"Billy" == strFirstName)
    // Do something
else if (L"BILLY" == strFirstName)
    // Do something else
else if (L"BillyBoy" == strFirstName)
    // Do something else

The above sample shows the simplicity of using operator==. It also should show that its use should be limited to comparing simple character sets or single characters. A value of true will only be returned when the two character sets being compared match identically with respect to length and ASCII character code (meaning "A" != "a").

The compare routines provide a mechanism for performing lexical comparisons and other more precise string comparisons. Instead of returning true or false, three values are returned.

  • 0: the operand string is lexically equal to the parameter string.
  • 1: the operand string is greater than the parameter string.
  • -1: the operand string is less than the parameter string.

You can also use the other overloaded compare routines to further specify what your lexical queries compare. Here are some examples.

#include <string>
using namespace std;

wstring strOperand = L"Billy Bob",
        strParameter = L"Billy Bob's Barbecue";

// Standard use of compare
int intComparisonVal = strOperand.compare(strParameter);

// Further specification examples
size_type iOperandStartIndex = 0,
          iNumOperandCharsToCompare = 5;

// The second example specifies the starting index of the operand
// string and how many characters in the operand string to compare.  
// So you can compare part of the operand string with the parameter
// string.
intComparisonVal = strOperand.compare(iOperandStartIndex,

// The third example goes further by also specifying the starting 
// index of the parameter string and how many characters to compare 
// in the parameter string.  So you can specify part of the operand
// string with part of the parameter string.
size_type iParamStartIndex = 0,
          iNumParamCharsToCompare = 5;
intComparisonVal = strOperand.compare(iOperandStartIndex,

// My last example shows how to compare the operand string against
// a standard C-style string.
const wchar_t * strParameterCStyle = L"Billy Bob's Barbecue";
intComparisonVal = strOperand.compare(strParameterCStyle);

There are other examples that further demonstrate the remaining overloaded compare routines which I have left out for simplicity. And you can see that they give you the ability to lexically compare STL strings and C-style strings with greater precision than using the non-member operator==. But, when do you choose one over the other and what are the details? Here's what I have learned as a set of general guidelines concerning STL string comparisons:

  • When doing simple string comparisons where you want to exclude any unneeded overhead, use the operator routines. They first compare the operand and parameter string lengths and only if they are equal does it do a character by character ASCII value code comparison.
  • When you need more precise comparisons, use the compare routines as desired. You can compare substrings which is more useful than an "all or nothing" string comparison where applicable.

So, after reading all this mess I went back and examined the code mentioned at the beginning of this article. The code was written correctly and the string comparison was being used correctly. Anyway, I thought this was a quick and simple topic. Until next time...

- Gilemonster


posted by Gilemonster @ 1:18 PM,


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